A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Ful llment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE Approved by the Examining Committee: Peter Fox, Thesis Adviser James Hendler, Thesis Adviser Selmer Bringsjord, Member Leora Morgenstern, Member rpi masters thesis they know that a company like ours, the one that understands that our success depends on the one rpi masters thesis levels by providing work. There are lots of academic writing companies which claim to timely solve in the head%(K) Rpi Masters Thesis If a customer feels somewhat dissatisfied with their paper, they are welcome to ask the writer to make necessary changes. Then, writers will revise the paper as many times as it is required for customers to be fully pleased with their orders/10()
PhD Theses at Rensselaer Computer Science
Note: This page is a work in progress. There may be students missing from the list. If a student's employment after graduation is not listed, it does not mean that they do not have employment.
It means the student has not reported their employment to the department. Student: Simon Ellis Graduation date: August Thesis title: Cognitive Gameplaying: Playing Games with Cognitive Computing Advisor: James Hendler Employment after graduation: Visiting Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Oakland University.
Student: Evan Patton Graduation date: August Thesis title: Toward Energy-Aware Mobile Reasoning Agents for the Mobile Semantic Web Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, MIT CSAIL. Rpi masters thesis Ying Lu Graduation date: August Thesis title: A Framework for Comparison of Methods for Solving Complementarity Problems that Arise in Multibody Dynamics Advisor: Jeffrey Trinkle Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, LinkedIn.
Student: Wenli Li Graduation date: August Thesis title: GPU-Accelerated Terrain Processing Advisor: W. Randolph Franklin Employment after graduation:. Student: Joshua Nasman Graduation date: May Rpi masters thesis title: Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Intuitive and Interactive Lighting Simulation Tools Advisor: Barbara Cutler Employment after graduation: Software Developer, rpi masters thesis, Dark Field Technologies. Student: Linyun Fu Graduation date: December Thesis title: Automatic Provenance Capturing for Research Publications Advisor: Peter Fox Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Twitter.
Student: Hao Li Graduation date: December Thesis title: Moving from News to Social Media Unsupervised Knowledge Enrichment for Event Extraction Advisor: Heng Ji Employment after graduation: Data Scientist, SmartFinance LLC.
Student: Mingming Chen Graduation date: December Thesis title: Discovering Communities by Optimizing Community Quality Metrics Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Google. Student: Justin M. LaPre Graduation date: December Thesis title: Advanced Optimizations for Large Scale Parallel Discrete Event Simulations Advisor: Christopher D, rpi masters thesis.
Carothers Employment after graduation: Lecturer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Student: Dominic DiFranzo Graduation date: December Thesis title: The Semantic eHumanties Methodology: Same but Different Advisor: James A.
Hendler Employment after graduation: Research Fellow, University of Southampton. Student: Joshua Shinavier Graduation date: December Thesis title: Light, Sound, and Semantics: The Web of Data as a New Sensory Modality Advisor: James A. Hendler Employment after graduation: Technical Lead, Cisco. Student: James McCusker Graduation date: August Thesis title: WebSig: A Digital Signature Framework for the Web Advisor: Deborah L.
McGuinness Employment after graduation: Director, Data Operations, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Student: Abhisek Kundu Graduation date: August Thesis title: Element-wise Rpi masters thesis Sparsification and Reconstruction Advisor: Petros Drineas Employment after graduation:. Student: Pranay Anchuri Graduation date: August Thesis title: Mining Approximate Frequent Patterns from Graph Databases Advisor: Mohammed Zaki Employment after rpi masters thesis Research Staff Member, rpi masters thesis, NEC Laboratories America, Inc.
Student: Nimit Dhulekar Graduation date: May Thesis title: Data Analytics of Time-Series for Complex Biological Systems Advisor: Biülent Yener Employment after graduation: Application Support Engineer, MathWorks. Student: Hongzhao Huang Graduation date: May Thesis title: Modeling Heterogeneous Networks for Information Ranking, Enrichment and Resolution on Microblogs Advisor: Heng Ji Employment after graduation: Research Scientist, rpi masters thesis, Facebook.
Student: Andrew Zonenberg Graduation date: May Thesis title: Antikernel: A Decentralized Secure Hardware-Software Operating System Architecture Advisor: Bülent Yener Employment after graduation: Senior Security Consultant, rpi masters thesis, IOActive, Inc, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Qi Li Graduation date: May Thesis title: Joint Information Extraction Advisor: Heng Ji Employment after graduation: Research Scientist, Yahoo, rpi masters thesis. Student: Saurabh Paul Graduation date: May Thesis title: Matrix Sampling Algorithms for Topics in Machine Learning Advisor: Petros Drineas Employment after graduation: Data Scientist, Paypal. Student: James Thompson Graduation date: May Thesis title: Community Evolution in Temporal Networks Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Google, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Lily Briggs Graduation date: May Thesis title: The Asymmetric Orientation Rpi masters thesis Matching Problem: Analysis and Algorithms Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Google. Student: Misbah Mubarak Graduation date: May Thesis title: Using Parallel Simulation for Extreme-Scale Network Systems Co-Design Advisor: Christopher D.
Carothers Employment after graduation: Postdoctoral Appointee, Argonne National Laboratory, rpi masters thesis. Student: Syed Yousaf Shah Graduation date: December Thesis title: Dynamic Management of Network Systems Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski Employment after graduation: Rsearch Staff Member, IBM T, rpi masters thesis. Watson Research Center. Student: Joshua Taylor Graduation date: December Thesis title: Exploration in Fluid Logics Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord Employment after rpi masters thesis Senior Engineer, Siege Technologies, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Tommy Nguyen Graduation date: December Thesis title: Proximity, Interactions, and Communities in Social Networks: Properties and Applications Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski Employment after graduation:, rpi masters thesis. Student: James McCusker Graduation date: December Thesis title: WebSig: A Digital Signature Framework for the Web Advisor: Deborah McGuinness Employment after graduation: Data Scientist, 5AM Solutions, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Jedediyah Williams Graduation date: December Thesis title: A Contact Model For Geometrically Accurate Treatment of Polytopes in Simulation Advisor: Jeff Trinkle Employment after graduation: Mathematics Teacher, Nantucket High School.
Student: Louis Gutierrez Graduation date: August Thesis title: Noise Reduction in User Generated Datasets Advisor: Mukkai Krishnamoorthy and Ron Eglash Employment after graduation: Machine Learning Data Scientist, Bask Labs. Student: Wei Huang Graduation date: May Thesis title: An Inference and Checking Framework for Context-Sensitive Pluggable Types Advisor: Ana Milanova Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Google.
Student: Li Zhang Graduation date: December Thesis title: Physics-Empowered Perception for Robot Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation Advisor: Jeffrey Trinkle Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, BlackLocus. Student: Amina Shabbeer Graduation date: December Thesis title: Nonconvex Nonsmooth Optimization for Bioinformatics Advisor: Kristin Bennett Employment after graduation: Staff Software Rpi masters thesis, IBM.
Student: Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu Graduation date: August Thesis title: Rpi masters thesis Games: Games for Crowdsourcing Formal Reasoning Advisor: Selmer Bringsjord Employment after graduation: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Rpi masters thesis Polytechnic Institute.
Student: Xiaohui Lu Graduation date: August Thesis title: Ranking Models to Identify Influential Actors in Large Scale Social Networks Advisor: Sibel Adali Employment after graduation: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Student: Geng Li Graduation date: August Thesis title: Mining Local and Global Patterns for Complex Data Classification Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki Employment after graduation: Senior Member of Technical Staff, Oracle. Student: Ankesh Khandelwal Graduation date: May Thesis title: Furthering the Continuous-change Event Calculus: Providing for Efficient Description of Additive Effects and an Automated Reasoner Advisor: Peter Fox Employment after graduation: Software Development Engineer, Amazon Web Services.
Student: Gregory Williams Graduation date: May Thesis title: Planning and Evaluation of Federated Queries on the Web Advisor: James Hendler Employment after graduation: Self-employed consultant, rpi masters thesis. Student: Jesse Weaver Graduation date: May Thesis title: Toward Webscale, Rule-based Inference on the Semantic Web via Data Parallelism Advisor: James Hendler Employment after graduation: Research Computer Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories. Student: Tsz-Yam Lau Graduation date: December Thesis title: Two-Step ODETLAP and Induced Terrain Framework for Improved Geographical Data Reconstruction Advisor: W, rpi masters thesis.
Randolph Franklin Employment after graduation: Senior Rpi masters thesis of Technical Staff, Oracle. Student: Aleksandr Ovcharenko Graduation date: December Thesis title: Parallel Anisotropic Mesh Adaptation with Boundary Layers Advisor: Mark Shephard Employment after graduation: HPC Developer, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
Student: Cagri Ozcaglar Rpi masters thesis date: August Thesis title: Algorithmic Data Fusion Methods For Tuberculosis Advisor: Bülent Yener Employment rpi masters thesis graduation: Software Developer, Bank of America, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Christopher Stuetzle Graduation date: December Thesis title: Representation and Generation of Terrain Using Mathematical Modeling Advisor: W.
Randolph Franklin, Barbara Cutler Employment after graduation: Assistant Professor, Merrimack College. Student: Sahin Cem Geyik Graduation date: August Thesis title: Network Data Modeling Via Grammatical Structures Advisor: Boleslaw K.
Szymanski Employment after graduation: Turn Inc. Student: Jierui Xie Graduation date: August Thesis title: Agent-based Dynamics Models for Opinion Spreading and Community Detection in Large-scale Social Networks Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski and Gyorgy Korniss Employment after graduation: Software Development Manager, Oracle. Student: Ting Xie Graduation date: August Thesis title: Mesh Data Management Components for Petascale Adaptive Unstructured Mesh Based Simulations Advisor: Mark S.
Shephard Employment after graduation: Senior Software Engineer, ANSYS. Student: Jiao Tao Graduation date: May Thesis title: Integrity Constraints for rpi masters thesis Semantic Web: An OWL 2 Description Logic Extension Advisor: Deborah L. McGuinness Employment after graduation: Senior Application Engineer, Oracle.
Student: Eric Smith Graduation date: May Thesis title: Registration of Combined Range-Intensity Scans Advisor: Charles V. Student: Medha Atre Graduation date: December Thesis title: Bit-by-Bit: Indexing and Querying RDF data using Compressed Bit-Vectors Advisor: James A. Hendler Employment after graduation: Post doctoral researcher, University of Pennsylvania.
Student: Hilmi Yildirim Graduation date: December Thesis title: Scalable Reachability Indexing for Very Large Graphs Advisor: Mohammed J.
Zaki Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, rpi masters thesis, Google. Student: You Li Graduation date: August Thesis title: CUDA-accelerated HD-ODETLAP: a High Dimensional Geospatial Data Compression Framework Advisor: W, rpi masters thesis. Randolph Franklin Employment after graduation: Analyst, rpi masters thesis, Royal Bank of Canada.
Student: Apirak Hoonlor Graduation date: August Thesis title: Sequential Patterns and Temporal Patterns for Text Mining Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski Employment after graduation: Assistant Professor, Mahidol University. Student: Binh Nguyen Graduation date: August Thesis title: Locally Non-convex Contact Models and Solution Methods for Accurate Physical Simulation in Robotics Advisor: Jeffrey C.
Trinkle Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Palantir Technologies. Student: Akintayo Holder Graduation date: August Thesis title: The Impact of Irregularity on Efficient Large-scale Integer-Intensive Computing Advisor: Christopher Carothers Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Google.
Student: Cagatay Bilgin Graduation date: August Thesis title: Advisor: Bülent Yener Employment after graduation: Postdocoral fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Student: Matt Edman Graduation date: August Rpi masters thesis title: Cryptographic Security in Wireless Networks via Physical Layer Properties Advisor: Bülent Yener Employment after graduation: MITRE Corporation.
Student: Christos Boutsidis Graduation date: May Thesis title: Topics in Matrix Sampling Algorithms Advisor: Petros Drineas Employment after graduation: Research Scientist, IBM T. Student: Eyuphan Bulut Graduation date: May Thesis title: Opportunistic Routing Algorithms in Delay Tolerant Networks Advisor: Boleslaw Szymanski Employment after graduation: Senior Engineer, Cisco Systems.
Student: Yu Sheng Graduation date: May Thesis title: Interactive Daylighting Visualization in Spatially Augmented Reality Environments Advisor: Barbara Cutler Employment after graduation: Postdoctoral Fellow, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. Student: Jamey Lewis Graduation date: December Thesis title: Population Genetic Analysis with PCA Informative Markers Advisor: Petros Drineas Employment after graduation:. Student: Jonathan Purnell Graduation date: December Thesis title: Approximating Covariance Matrices Using Low Rank Perturbations with Applications to Accent Identification and Social Network Clustering Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail Employment after graduation: Post-doctoral Research Assistant, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Student: Bugra Caskurlu Graduation date: August Thesis title: Exact and Approximate Equilibria for Network Formation and Cut Games Advisor: Elliot Anshelevich Employment after graduation: Postdoctoral Research Associate, West Virginia University.
Student: Yin Liu Graduation date: May Thesis title: Practical Static Analysis Framework for Inference of Security-Related Program Properties Advisor: Ana Milanova Employment after graduation: Software Engineer, Juniper Networks, rpi masters thesis.
Student: Mykola Hayvanovych Graduation date: December Thesis title: Algorithms for Finding Hidden Groups and their Structure from the Streaming Communication Data Rpi masters thesis Malik Magdon-Ismail Employment after graduation: Research Scientist, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory.
Student: Konstantin Mertsalov Graduation date: December Thesis title: Modeling Dynamics of Communication and Social Networks Advisor: Mark Goldberg Employment after graduation: Director of Development, Rational Retention.
Student: Andrey Sarayev Graduation date: December Thesis title: Estimation of Credit and Interest Rate Risks for Loan Portfolios Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail Employment after graduation: Quantitative Analyst, EMSQRD LLC. Student: Ali Civril Rpi masters thesis date: December Thesis title: Column Subset Selection for Approximating Matrices: Theory and Data Applications Advisor: Malik Magdon-Ismail Employment after graduation: Assistant Professor, Meliksah University.
Student: Stephen Kelley Graduation date: December Thesis title: The Existence and Discovery of Overlapping Communities in Large-Scale Networks Advisor: Mark Goldberg Employment after graduation: Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Student: Travis Desell Graduation date: December Thesis title: Asynchronous Global Optimization for Massive-Scale Computing Advisor: Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Carlos Varela Employment after graduation: Post-doctoral Research Associate, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Student: Vineet Chaoji Graduation date: August Thesis title: Efficient Algorithms for Mining Arbitrary Shaped Clusters Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki Employment after graduation: Senior Associate Scientist, Yahoo!
Labs, Bangalore, rpi masters thesis. Student: Mohammad Al Hasan Graduation date: August Thesis title: Mining Interesting Subgraphs by Output Space Sampling Advisor: Mohammed J. Zaki Employment after graduation: Senior Research Scientist, rpi masters thesis, eBay Research Labs. Student: Saeed Salem Graduation date: August Thesis title: Protein Structural Similarity Advisor: Mohammed J, rpi masters thesis.
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Download PDF. Author. uploaded from ShareLaTeX. License. Other (as stated in the work) Abstract. Masters thesis template for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November November 10, Master’s Thesis due to advisors. November 20, Master’s Thesis due to the Office of Graduate Education. November 21, Last day to defend dissertations. Thanksgiving Recess begins after last class. November 22, – November 24, Thanksgiving Break – No Classes November 27, Classes Resume Before graduating, the student is required to complete a written thesis as well as an oral presentation to the scientific community conveying important aspects of the thesis. Examples of such a presentation include an oral talk at a workshop or conference or a seminar at RPI
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