Is a plan for an infectious disease different than a regular business resumption plan? In some ways, yes. Traditionally, most business continuity plans focus on what will happen if the building, equipment, products or services are damaged in some way. The plans also tend to assume The Business Continuity Plan is an adjunct to that documentation and highlights, in particular, the interfaces between the campus level service and the individual FARM Team operations requirements. In cases where the documentation in this Plan and the organization’s documents differ, the organization’s documentation has precedence Mar 22, · Business continuity plan template. There are plenty of business continuity plan examples and templates available for free download. Here is an example of just one template for a BCP plan. This example of the structure for a business continuity plan will provide you with the basis for customization and application to a wide variety of circumstances
7 Steps For Creating a Business Continuity Plan ()
A business continuity plan BCP is a document that outlines how a business will continue operating during an unplanned disruption in service. Plans typically contain a checklist that includes supplies and equipment, data backups, and backup site locations. Plans can also identify plan administrators and include contact information for emergency responders, business continuity plan customer service, key personnel, and backup site providers.
Plans may provide detailed strategies on how business operations can be maintained for both short-term and long-term outages. A key component of a business continuity plan BCP is a disaster recovery plan that contains strategies for handling IT disruptions to networks, servers, personal computers and mobile devices. The plan should cover how to reestablish office productivity and enterprise software so that key business needs can be met.
Manual workarounds should be outlined in the plan, so operations can continue until computer systems can be restored. There are three primary aspects to a business continuity plan for key applications and processes:.
High availability : Provide for the capability and processes so that a business has access to applications regardless of local failures. These failures might be in the business processes, in the business continuity plan customer service facilities or in the IT hardware or software. Continuous operations : Safeguard the ability to keep things running during a disruption, as well as during planned outages such as scheduled backups or planned maintenance, business continuity plan customer service.
Disaster recovery : Establish a way to recover a data business continuity plan customer service at a different site if a disaster destroys the primary site or otherwise renders it inoperable.
The plan is designed to contain, or provide a reference to, all of the information that might be needed at the time of business recovery. Index of Acronyms: EOC Emergency Operations Center — EMT Emergency Management Team — ERT Emergency Response Team — BCP Business Continuity Plan — IT Information Technology Section I, Introductioncontains general statements about the organization of the plan.
It also establishes responsibilities for the testing exercisingtraining, and maintenance activities that are necessary to guarantee the ongoing viability of the plan. These decisions determine the content of the action plans, and if they change at any time, the plans should be business continuity plan customer service accordingly.
Business continuity plan customer service III, Recovery Teams, lists the Recovery Team functions, those individuals who are assigned specific responsibilities, and procedures on how each of the team members is to be notified. Section IV, Team Procedures, determines what activities and tasks are to be taken, in what order, and by whom in order to affect the recovery.
Section V, Appendices, contains all of the other information needed to carry out the plan. Other sections refer the reader to one or more Appendices to locate the information needed to carry out the Team Procedures steps.
The objective of the Business Continuity Plan is to coordinate the recovery of critical business functions in managing and supporting the business recovery in the event of a facilities office building disruption or disaster. This can include short or long-term disasters or other disruptions, such as fires, business continuity plan customer service, floods, earthquakes, explosions, terrorism, tornadoes, extended power interruptions, hazardous chemical spills, and other natural or man-made disasters.
The priorities in a disaster situation are to:. Department Name management is responsible for:. This should be periodically verified by active or passive testing. This may be accomplished in a number of ways including. practice exercises, participation in tests, and awareness programs conducted by the Business Continuity Coordinator. Information Systems will recover IT functions based on the critical departmental business functions and defined strategies.
Business Functions by Location are listed in Appendix B Recovery Priorities for Critical Business Functions. In the event of a disaster or disruption to the office facilities, the strategy is to recover operations by relocating to an alternate business site. The short-term strategies for disruptions lasting two weeks or lesswhich have been selected, include:.
For all locations, if a long-term disruption occurs i. major building business continuity plan customer service, etc. These phases will follow each other sequentially in time. This phase begins with the occurrence of the disaster event and continues until a decision is made to activate the recovery plans, business continuity plan customer service. The major activities that take place in this phase include emergency response measures, notification of management, damage assessment activities, and declaration of the disaster.
In this phase, business continuity plan customer service, the Business Continuity Plans are put into effect. This phase begins after secondary facility operations are established and continues until the primary facility is restored.
The primary recovery activities during this phase are backlog reduction and alternate facility processing procedures. This phase consists of any and all activities necessary to make the transition back to a primary facility location. All vital documents are typically located in files within the office complex and the most current back-up copies are in a secure off-site storage facility.
In this case, the last backup of critical records in the secure warehouse would be transported to the secondary facility. The number of critical records, which would have to be reconstructed, will depend on when the last shipment of critical records to the offsite storage location occurred. The following categories of information can be exposed to loss:.
If the data center is affected by a disaster or disruption, the IT Disaster Recovery Plan should include recovering processing at a pre-determined alternate site. Services covered would include; phones, cellular phones, pagers, communications, and all other services required for restoring limited emergency service to the organization.
In this case, data communications will be rerouted from the data processing hot or cold site to the respective alternate business site locations. BCP Representatives — It will be necessary to contact your respective Information Technology department in order to complete this section.
You should understand, and enter here, what the recovery timeframe is for systems recovery i. Acquisition and recovery of critical standalone personal computer capabilities should also be considered here. The data center may or may not have the same print capability if the disruption affected the data center as well, so it may be necessary to prioritize printing of output.
Due to the possibility of multiple alternate business sites and the additional travel time required for mail service activities, the number of mail pickups and deliveries could possibly be decreased from the normal daily routine to once daily. Mail pickup and delivery schedules, including overnight mail, will be established and communicated to each alternate business site.
The participants are organized into one or more teams. Each team has a designated team leader and an alternate for that person. Other team members are assigned either to specific responsibilities or as team members to carry out tasks as needed. This section identifies the team roles and the specific responsibilities that have been assigned to the team. Backup Team Leader — Duties to be assigned based on Recovery Team areas of responsibility.
Team Member — Duties to be assigned based on Recovery Team areas of responsibility. This section specifies how the team members are to be notified if the plan is to be put into effect by identifying who calls whom, and in what order. Notification can also be made by using tools such reverse or other notification systems.
Their names and telephone numbers are provided. In the event of a disaster, the Business Continuity Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the following activities are successfully completed:.
This team is responsible for providing information regarding the disaster and recovery efforts to:. Given the Business Continuity Strategy outlined in Section II, this section transforms those strategies into a very specific set of action activities and tasks according to the recovery phase.
The Recovery Procedures are organized in the following order: recovery phase, activity within the phase, and task within the activity. The recovery phases are described in Section II. D of the Plan.
In the Recovery Procedures document, the phases are listed in the order in which they will occur. The description for each recovery phase begins on a new page.
Each activity is assigned to one of the recovery teams. Each activity has a designated team member who has the primary assignment to complete the activity. Most activities also have an alternate team member assigned, business continuity plan customer service. The activities will only generally be performed in this sequence.
The finest level of detail in the Recovery Procedures is the task. All plan activities are completed by performing one or more tasks. The tasks are numbered sequentially within each activity, and this is generally the order in which they would be performed. Note : If the main office is total loss, not accessible or suitable for occupancy, the remaining activities can be performed business continuity plan customer service the Emergency Operations Center EOCafter ensuring that all remaining tasks in each activity have been addressed.
This applies to all activities where the Main Office is the location impacted by the disaster. The location s of the EOC are designated in Appendix D — Emergency Operations Center EOC Locations.
The EOC may be temporarily setup at any one of several optional locations, depending on the situation and accessibility of each one. Once the Alternate site is ready for occupancy the EOC can be moved to that location. ACTIVITY: Restoring Data Processing and Data Communications with Primary or Secondary Backup Data Center ACTIVITY IS PERFORMED AT LOCATION: Alternate Site. ACTIVITY: Changing Telephone and Data Communications Back to Primary Site, business continuity plan customer service.
ACTIVITY: Relocating Personnel, Records, and Equipment Back to Primary Original Site. NOTE — Provide directions to all alternate sites. Include address and phone number of site. Include Maps and Floor Plans. Employees will be notified by team membersif a disaster is declared, as to the location and when to report, business continuity plan customer service.
Since recovery site is local, transportation to the work location is up to the employee unless directed otherwise. Directions will be supplied at the time of notification, if necessary. Should alternate site accommodations be required team members will be notified. Employees will be contacted by team membersif a disaster is declared, as to the location and where to go.
Since accommodations are local, transportation to the work location is up to the employee unless directed otherwise. If you need assistance or have any doubt and need to ask any questions contact me at preteshbiswas gmail. You can also contribute to this discussion and I shall be happy to publish them. Your comments and suggestion are also welcome. Pretesh Biswas has wealth of qualifications and experience in providing results-oriented solutions for your system development, business continuity plan customer service, training or auditing needs.
He has helped dozens of organizations in implementing effective management systems to a number of standards.
How to write a business continuity plan
, time: 30:29Business Continuity Plan Template | Business Continuity Plan | Disaster Recovery

The objective of this guideline is to help agencies in their business continuity plans in response to the COVID It covers the following key business operational risks: A. Human resource management B. Core functions and service delivery C. Supplier and customer management D. Communications, both internal and external The Business Continuity Plan is an adjunct to that documentation and highlights, in particular, the interfaces between the campus level service and the individual FARM Team operations requirements. In cases where the documentation in this Plan and the organization’s documents differ, the organization’s documentation has precedence May 21, · Customer service and consumer laws. Topics: Business health check, To get the most out of a business continuity plan, you should include a schedule for testing and updating it, making sure you take into account any changes to your business, your
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